Cookie Management

Collect permissions from your users to store your data in compliance with KVKK.

With the Cookie Management extension, it offers the best way for your online business with its simple usage and easy interface; by providing a personalized experience, building reliable customer relationships, analyzing the consumer behaviors of users visiting your website to improve your marketing activities, and improving your conversion rates.

CollectAction, with the cookie management extension, allows you to manage your website in compliance with cookie rules, control the data collected by individuals, inform visitors about cookie rules, and provide a good user experience to stay ahead in competition.

Improve the performance of your site with the cookie permission management system, personalize the user experience, and store the data you collect in compliance with KVKK cookie policy.

  • Users can change cookies according to their preferences
  • Store consents and cookie approvals of your users  
  • Comply with cookie policy KVKK and GDPR 100%

 Frequently Asked Questions

-What is personal data?

All information belonging to real persons. The identity of individuals must be certain or determinable. In legal literature, every individual born complete and healthy, not institutionalized, is defined as a real person. All data effective in identifying the identity of these real individuals is personal data.

-What is KVKK?

'Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data' is the law that regulates the obligations of natural and legal persons who process personal data to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. It was published in the official gazette on April 7, 2016 and came into effect.

-How do I collect permission in accordance with KVKK?

It should be a clear, written, simple language statement written in writing and limited to a specific subject.

The statement received should clearly state which personal data is collected, for how long, and for which process. The terms and consequences of the consent should be explained in writing.

Summaries should be written in writing only in understandable language and should be a clear written statement of open consent that is limited and restricted.

-What is Data Permission Management System?

It is a system that allows companies to collect, store and examine the personal data shared by visitors to the website, and enables companies to review and manage these permissions. In addition, companies can optimize tracking and other third-party applications through this system.

-Do I have to have a Data Permission Management System on my website?

With Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, which makes written consent of the data owner mandatory, written explicit approval of the data owner is required in any application that can reach personal data. The GDPR law, valid for European countries outside Turkey, has made it mandatory to obtain data permission. Therefore, the Data Permission Management System is mandatory.

-Why should I choose Collectaction Cookie Management?

First of all, Collectaction is an application store for e-commerce sites, so it works in harmony and optimally with your website. By providing the freedom of choice of permission to your website visitors, you can strengthen your reliability by providing the ability to edit their choice. You can be sure that all the data you collect is in compliance with KVKK, stored in Turkey, without fear of exposure to sanctions in any audit. Also, as an application store for e-commerce sites, Collectaction optimizes third-party applications and tracking systems, increasing the speed of the website and enhancing the user experience.

GDPR compliance
cookie consent management
data privacy protection
user consent optimization
website cookie policy
e-commerce data compliance
cookie banner customization