Measure your customers' experiences continuously with an emoji-based feedback widget. Allow users to add custom feedback by visually selecting a specific area of the site.
One of the innovations that the internet world has brought into our lives is the universal emoji language. With emojis, we can easily understand the emotional state of the person in front of us and share our own emotional state. With the Emoji Satisfaction Measurement Tool, you can measure everyone's satisfaction with your site using 4-5 different emojis that you choose.
Your customers can convey their satisfaction levels with this feedback tool and at the same time, add a specific comment to an area by selecting that area visually.
With this action, you can;
1- Measure why your visitors are not shopping.
2- Decide to make changes based on your visitors' comments.
3- Go to dissatisfied visitors with alternative offers and turn them into happy customers. After activating the action, just choose the emojis you want to offer to your customers and enter your message.