Show Remaining Amount for Free Shipping

Show your users how much they need to add to their cart for free shipping.

It is now very easy to direct your customers to sales by providing them with free shipping. Every e-commerce user wants to have the option of free shipping when placing an order. With the Show Remaining Amount for Free Shipping action, you can show your customers how much they need to add to their cart for free shipping, encouraging them to complete their orders with free shipping. 

This way, users who want to earn free shipping will want to complete their carts with this amount and will start researching products to add new complementary products, thus increasing the average value of the cart.

With this action, you can;

1- Increase your average basket value. 

2- Direct the customer who is about to complete the purchase to new products.

 3- To add a new item to the cart, you will guide the customer through more pages, reducing your bounce rate. 

To show the customer the remaining amount for free shipping, activate the action with a single click, specify your free shipping amount, and change the color of the warning message as you like.

Free Shipping
Shipping Threshold
Cart Value
Remaining Amount
Shipping Promotion