Reach gasoline and diesel prices in different fuel stations in different cities.
Receive and Send Messages using HTTP requests by using WhatsApp API. WhatsApp API that is an unofficial WhatsApp API.  WhatsApp API lets you send or receive messages via WhatsApp frictionlessly
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Services that bring information about the film and the scores of the film by searching on the IMDB site by name or id.
You can reach the pharmacies of the day in the provinces on Germany. You can get address, phone, location information.
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The service that brings the weather forecast around the world with daily, weekly with high accuracy.
Learn the loan rates of banks and different types of loans, based on general interest rates. The deposit information of banks can also reached.
Services that show you how much time you have chosen, bringing the prayer times of the city you want.
Access football leagues information. Football leagues; results, standings, goal lists etc.
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Receive and Send Messages using HTTP requests by using Instagram DM API. Instagram DM that is an unofficial Instagram DM API. Instagram DM API lets you send or receive messages via Instagram frictionlessly
Access football leagues information. Football leagues; results, standings, goal lists etc.